Festival of Czech Art

Exhibitions, curator’s guided tours, lectures, concerts, films and meetings - autumn marked by Czech art and culture.

Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu INTERREG V-A Republika Czeska-Polska 2014-2020 oraz z budżetu państwa Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej / Projekt spolufinancovaný Evropskou unií z Evropského fondu pro regionální rozvoj v rámci programu INTERREG V-A Česká republika-Polsko 2014-2020 a ze státního rozpočtu Polské republiky / Project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the INTERREG V-A Program Czech Republic-Poland 2014-2020 and from the state budget of Poland


The tradition of presenting Czech art in Bielsko-Biała has a long history. Among many events organised by Galeria Bielska BWA in 2003, the first Festival of Czech Art distinguished itself by its panache. There were two exhibitions presented at the time: “Human metamorphosis. Czech graphic art in the early 20th century from the collection of The Czech Museum of Fine Arts in Prague” and “I Maestri del Core” – paintings, graphic art and objects of Jiří Surůvka, a rebellious artist from Ostrava. Lectures, theatre and cabaret performances, poets’ meetings, concerts of Czech music, screenings of films and tasting of Czech cuisine.

This year’s festival, which takes place in Bielsko-Biała in September and October, will also bring together the latest art with important examples of Czech art from before 100 and 150 years. The exhibition called “Within Reach. Czech art of the 19th and 20th centuries from the collection of the Regional Art Gallery in Zlin” presents Czech art from the turn of centuries. The Regional Art Gallery (Krajské galerie výtvarného umění) has a collection of works of prominent Czech and Slovak artists, and many examples of paintings, graphic art and sculpture which represent various trends in art, such as: cubism, surrealism, symbolism, abstraction, visual poetry and conceptualism, will be presented in Bielsko-Biała. Pavlína Pyšná chose the exhibition works from this plentiful art collection. The exhibition: “Through the Looking Glass” (Na druhé straně zrcadla) was shown in the Art Gallery in Zlin and presented paintings from 21st century from the Art Collection of Galeria Bielska BWA. This festival exhibition is a kind of a return visit.

The exhibition called “PAITNER’S INTUITION. Daniel Balabán / Jarosław Modzelewski” will be a presentation of paintings of two artists of the middle generation, who played key roles in the development of modern art in their countries – Poland and the Czech Republic. Krzysztof Morcinek is the curator of the exhibition.

Both exhibitions will be accompanied by curator’s guided tours and lectures. The topic of lectures, meetings and publications’ promotion will be relations between Czech poets profession from Ostrava and independent poets from Cracow, including Jerzy Kronhold. During the festival there will be presented selected artistic and factual films as well as the newest Czech fiction films.

Agata Smalcerz, Director of Galeria Bielska BWA


19th and 20th century Czech artworks from the collection of the Regional Art Gallery in Zlin is presented at the exhibition Within Reach,

PAINTER’S INTUITION. Daniel Balabán / Jarosław Modzelewski is a presentation of the paintings by two artists from middle-age generation  - Daniel Balabán and Jarosław Modzelewski, both of whom played an important role in the development of contemporary art in Poland and the Czech Republic.