Skateboard – a story of urban imagination and space for all.

The exhibition explores the relationship between skateboarding and urban spaces in terms of both the architecture and community of a city. The urban environment is an endless arena of possibilities for skateboarders, discovering new “spots”, establishing spontaneous relationships or creating DIY obstacles. Skateboarding is not just about stunts – the exhibition looks at the universal history of rebellion and the ways in which open communities are created.

Participating in the exhibition are Kuba Bączkowski, Krzysztof Godek, Alicja Klitenik, Mateusz Kowalski, Krzysztof Łazik, Fred Mortagne (France), Daniel Paese (USA), Przemek Skóra, Szymon Stanek.

The exhibition is curated by Ada Piekarska.

Curatorial collaboration: Mateusz Kowalski

Contextual collaboration: Jan Mikuła, Aram Socha

Visual identification, exhibition graphic design: Mateusz Goławski 

Ada Piekarska – art curator, graduate of the
Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków
and history of art at the Polish Academy of Sciences,
President of the Bielska Gallery Foundation.
Author of texts, educator, activist.
In her curatorial practice, she looks at
non-artistic functions of art.
She works at Galeria Bielska BWA.
Photo: Piotr Czyż



Claiming the city
Galeria Bielska BWA, lower hall, Bielsko-Biała, ul. 3 Maja 11
14 June – 25 August 2024
Exhibition opening: Friday, 14 June 2024, 6.00 p.m.
Closing exhibition: Friday, 23 August 2024, at 6 p.m.  

The exhibition is part of the project CITY SPACE, dedicated to the themes of architecture, urbanism, urbanity. The events take place from June to August 2024 at Galeria Bielska BWA and Sixt’s Villa.

Polish Radio Katowice – about exhibition