Grupa Twožywo – Prawd()podobieństwo (Probability)

Art as a proclamation for the coming years – presentation of works by Grupa Twožywo.

Formed in the 1990s, Grupa Twożywo initially focused on Poland’s socio-economic context at the time - the political transformation and the development of capitalism. Today, despite all the changes in reality, the artists performing under the name Twožywo (Czech spelling) still actively address the challenges of the contemporary world.

Grupa Twożywo was established in 1994, initially operating under the name Pinokio (1994-1998). The artists created murals, billboards and stickers on city streets, which the group treated as an important part of public life. In 2006, Grupa Twożywo was awarded the ‘Polityka’ Passport prize in the visual arts category: ‘for art that combines word and image in an innovative way, for boldly entering with its works where art has not reached so far’. The group concluded its activities in 2011, but today its idea is continued by Grupa Twožywo, with Krzysztof Sidorek, Karolina Vyšata and Mariusz Libel.

Grupa Twożywo has already presented itself several times in Bielsko-Biała. In 2006, the city's advertising columns and the walls of Galeria Bielska BWA were filled with quotes from Jean-Paul Sartre's short story Herostrates, illustrated by the artists. During the exhibition ‘Illusion as a Source of Suffering’ in 2008, the artists painted the mural entitled To tłum (It’s a Crowd) on the façade of the Bielska Galeria BWA on the main road, which still exists today, while in 2022 they presented a retrospective exhibition prze\T/rwanie (Survival/Revival) consisting of letters, billboard designs, murals, illustrations, stencils, stickers, animations and computer games.

The exhibition coincides with the premiere of a new calendar designed by Krzysztof Sidorek and Mariusz Libel. Formally, it combines the function of an appointment book and a notebook. Content-wise, it attempts to draw consequences from causes. Twelve unique graphics inspire an individual experience and complement the coming months. The publication is available in the shop of Galeria Bielska BWA.

Galeria Bielska BWA, Sixt’s Villa, Bielsko-Biała, ul. Adama Mickiewicza 24 (basement)
19 January – 3 March 2025
Grupa Twožywo – Prawd()podobieństwo (Probability)

The opening, curated tour
Saturday, 18 January 2025 at 5 pm
the tour guide is Karolina Vyšata

Accompanying events:

Meeting with the artists participating in the exhibition
Sunday, 19 January 2025, 12.00, free entrance