Zofia Lasocka – Tree – Friend

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Simple, compelling and imaginative, Zofia Lasocka’s posters with trees as the central theme, which have been commissioned by the ecological organization Gaya Club, received an honourable mention at the Polish Graphic Design Awards 2017 competition.

This exhibition of ecological posters illustrates in a simple, yet highly imaginative way, the role of trees in the life of man. The series of posters has been created by Zofia Lasocka who is a fresh graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. This young artist is involved on a regular basis in various projects and activities run by the Gaya Club, including The Tree Festival and the Tree of the Year Competition. The posters constituted a part of her graduation project prepared under the guidance of Professor Lech Majewski and Justyna Czerniakowska at the Faculty of Graphic Arts of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw.

Zofia Lasocka - graduate of the Faculty of Graphic Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. In 2018, she defended her Master’s degree with distinction in two specializations: Publishing Graphics and Illustration. She had prepared her graduation series of posters entitled Tree - Friend for the Gaya Club. Each of the posters illustrates one of the numerous benefits of trees in the ecosystem. She uses catchy titles for the posters, including: Bird Paradise, Heat Buster, City Cleaner, Noise Barrier, Calm Giver, Forest Playground.

Zofia Lasocka received an honourable mention at the recent competition for the most appealing and valuable graphic designs in the category of Utility Poster.

The exhibition is presented to celebrate this year's 16th Tree Festival.

The festival has been organized by the Gaya Club since 2003. The idea of the project is to provide widespread education on the role of trees, supported by practical actions, such as protecting and planting trees. Each year, the most active participants of the Gaya Club are awarded the Magic Tree Prize.

“Working with artists is a tradition of the Gaya Club which brings great benefits to our campaigns and introduces art to social activities. This is also true for the Tree Festival and the unique posters created for this purpose by Zofia Lasocka. Great, effective and clear art giving its voice to the trees. That’s why we work with artists.”                                                                                             

Jacek Bożek, Gaya Club