Katarzyna Ewa Legendź – Retrogradation of Saturn

The melancholy of the Icelandic fjord and the perceptible movements of the planet - photographic zines of the Krakow-based artist

“Saturn was retro-gradated from 6 April to 25 August, thus affecting a host of astrological principles, structures, foundations and traditions. Retro-gradation of Saturn is a period in which one can re-evaluate, consolidate and rebuild projects related to these areas of human life. Now is the time when it might be difficult to implement new large projects, which are likely to become little more than a source of unwelcome stress – retro-gradation is the time to save energy and enjoy a simple life. One can experience a sense of heaviness, the level of motivation changes constantly, along with how energy levels and time constraints change.

The development of the project took me more than ten weeks - the time which coincided with Saturn's retro-gradation. While living in a caravan in the middle of the Icelandic fjord, I felt the movements of the planets very strongly. The photographs were inspired by Susan Sontag's essay on Walter Benjamin which can be found in the collection Under the Sign of Saturn.  I was particularly intrigued in how the description of his melancholy disposition resonated with mine.”

Katarzyna Ewa Legendź


Vernissage: Wednesday, 26 September, 2018, 6 pm.

Café Club Aquarium