Catalogue accompanying the 40th Biennale of Painting, Bielska Jesień 2011, under the patronage of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage (05.11.2011 – 30.12. 2011).
Published in dual Polish and English, it contains the opening speech of the mayor of Bielsko-Biała, Jacek Krywult, critical essays written by members of the jury: Agata Smalcerz, Jolanta Ciesielska, Paweł Jarodzki, Jan Gryk and Piotr Rypson. The catalogue also contains bios and photos of the 31 artists taking part in the exhibition, artists statements, reproductions of 56 paintings displayed in the exhibition as well as photographic documentation from the vernissage, exposition, and a debate under the heading "Does painting need competition?".
Editor: Grażyna Cybulska
Graphic design, layout and documentation: Krzysztof Morcinek
Translation: Jarosław Fejdych
Proof reading for English edition: John Hills
Revision: Justyna Łabądź
Photographic reproduction of works: Jacek Rojkowski, archive of artists
Printer: Dimograf
ISBN 978-83-87984-71-7
Format: softback, 144pp, 20 x 23cm, 500 copies