7th Curated Exhibition of Bielska Jesień
A catalogue accompanying the exhibition "Self - ingnition", winner of the curatorial competition for the coordination and production of the 7th "Bielska Jesień" exhibition (06.10.2012 - 18.11.2012).
The catalogue is dual Polish-English and contains critical essays by Michał Suchora and Agata Araszkiewicz. Each of the 12 participating artists has their artwork reproduced, a biog, a list of selected exhibitions as well as a profile of their artistic creativity written by the curator.
Editor and Curator: Michał Suchora
Graphic design: Dagny Nowak & Daniel Szwed (moonmadness.eu)
Translation: Ewa Kniaziak
Proofreading: Damian Gajda, Karolina Szarawarska, Justyna Łabądź
Printer: Moś & Łuszczak
Publisher: Galeria Bielska BWA
ISBN 978-83-87984-77-9
Format: softback, 23 x 17cm, 60pp, 500 copies