Catalog of the Polish-Czech exhibition of arts, design and crafts presented at Galeria Bielska BWA from June 28 to August 25, 2019; published in triple: Polish-Czech-English language version, contains color reproductions of works, photos from the exhibition, exhibition guide, curator's text and participants' statements.
The exhibition was part of the Polish-Czech project entitled „Roots - the community of sources, search and inspiration. Art and design on both sides of the border”.
Project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the INTERREG V-A Program Czech Republic-Poland 2014-2020 and from the state budget of Poland
Participants: Agnieszka Bar, Aleksandra Chmiel, Monika Dąbrowska-Picewicz, Jacenty Dędek, Jolanta Herma-Pasińska, Maciej Gąsienica-Giewont, Artur Gburek, Mariusz Gruszka, Remigiusz Gryt, Roman Hryciów, Dagmara Karolak, Antoni Konarzewski, Bogdan Kosak, Jakub Markiel, Małgorzata Mirga-Tas, Izabela Ewa Ołdak, Elżbieta Trzewiczek-Pietkiewicz and Sebastian Pietkiewicz, Paulina Poczęta, Krystyna Pytel, Adam Sobota, Jonáš Stoklasa, Petra Sošťáková and Libor Sošťák (P3L1) and companies: Gie El (Maria and Jacek Rypuła), Studio Krygi (Janusz Gibiec, Adam Krzywoń, Marian Lacek), Mazzivo, MiPolin (Helena Czernek, Aleksander Prugar), Paged Meble, Woodica.
Curator: Lucyna Wylon
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Publisher: Galeria Bielska BWA 2019
Edited by: NOBLE Linguistic Services Dariusz Lukas
Visual identification design: Lucyna Wylon
Design and type setting: Piotr Pieniążek
Photos from the exhibition: Mariusz Gruszka
Photos from the authors' archives: Monika Dąbrowska-Picewicz, Maciej Długaj, Damian Świńczyk
Texts: Lucyna Wylon and exhibition participants
Czech translation: Anna Kwiatkowska, Jiři Machàček
English translation: Dariusz Lukas
Proofreading in Polish: Janusz Legoń
Proofreading in Czech: Jiři Machàček
Proofreading in English: Gary Hawkins
Printed by: Offset Druk and Media Cieszyn
Print run: 500 copies
Format 26 x 20 cm, soft cover, 94 pages
Free catalog; the buyer covers only shipping costs.